Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wood between worlds

While cycling today I kept encountering beautiful scenes like this. Phone snap doesn't do it justice! Reminded me of the wood between worlds in Chronicles of Narnia: Magician's Nephew.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


This has been a difficult post to write.

My father passed away suddenly, just over a month ago now. I can't believe so much time has passed, it seems like it was only a few days ago we buried him. Doesn't seem long ago when I was chatting to him the day we booked our first real family vacation in nearly 10 years.. But he's gone... I can't even bring myself to mention him using past tense. It's too painful.

For now, I must tend to what needs my attention - the well being of myself, my family and their stability during this difficult time. Therefore my photography business will be on an indefinite hiatus. It doesn't mean I'll stop taking photos - I'll still be blogging here, posting on Instagram, doing personal projects, etc. Just not actively taking work since I feel being melancholy would show in the photos which is not what I want for paying clients.

Thank you for understanding.