Saturday, November 28, 2015

Holiday Family Photos

Had an absolutely delightful time working with the Au family last weekend! It was great timing since grandparents from Canada happened to be visiting when Mrs. Au wanted to book. We had such an incredible time from the moment Johanna stepped onto the field, basking in the golden afternoon sun, squealing in delight at the crunching leaves beneath her feet. Little brother Sebastian followed closely behind, carried by Dad. Everyone radiated such love and joy throughout the experience. It was one of my most memorable family shoots to date.

Two time slots left for next Saturday, Dec 5th in Milton! Last chance to create holiday card photos with siblings, room mates, family or pets and have proceeds go to Tewassa Boston! Inquiries: 978-417-0840

Painted Canvas

Painted over the previously aqua-gold to a more neutral and versatile aqua-cream. Looking good!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Holiday Photos

       My late father always emphasized on the importance of giving and using your talent to inspire joy in hearts of others, and to honor him and his deep love I had an idea as the season for gratitude and giving starts. During the month of November, I want to do a limited number of shoots and donate to Tewassa. Tewassa Boston is a long-term volunteer project that supports victims of the triple disaster back in 2011. After the news stop reporting on them, the victims of natural disasters don't just resume their lives as they knew it before. The path to rebuild and normalize what's happened is long and impossible for some, who have lost everything and everyone they loved.
        Tewassa started as a way for the restless Japanese living in Boston to send their love to evacuated victims by sending crafted quilts. Like my father crafting food with all his heart and soul for each and every customer, these volunteers pour their deep love into the quilts which would hopefully warmth the hearts of those in Japan. The volunteers "bring hearts together" by meeting to sew the quilts every Month at Tufts and educating children about the disaster and recovery efforts. By working together with children, the hope is to raise the next generation with skills and knowledge to help in future situations. They fund the quilt projects by doing demonstrations and selling handcrafted goods and donations. Even if you can't do the shoots, please consider instead giving a donation to Tewassa. No amount is too small!