Tuesday, May 3, 2016

October 2013

This bowl of noodles speaks of love. We were doing something at the restaurant, I can't recall why but it was on the day we were closed all day. It was early in the morning. This memory stuck out because Mom doesn't cook often, we usually associated Dad with all things kitchen, and it was a pleasant surprise seeing her bringing out the bowl and telling me to eat. She is more businesswoman than mother and this was a rare moment of warmth I'll hold on to.

Chewy and thick udon noodles in a simple dashi, adorned with inari and fishcake, a splash of bright green scallions. Something about this simple gesture made me smile inside and I remember staring at it for a long time before tucking in. She shows love in different ways, I know them, but wanted to take in and hold onto this for as long as I could. Mom, thank you.

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